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Meet Brandt Hutzel, PDE’s New Technology & Engineering Education Content Advisor


PDE welcomes Brandt Hutzel into his new role as Technology & Engineering Education Content Advisor.

Inspired by the excitement he observed in students and teachers during the evolution of industrial arts to technology education, Brandt began his collegiate career at California University of Pennsylvania.  He started teaching at Pine-Richland High School, where he designed and delivered innovative curriculum, while at the same time working to complete his graduate studies at Ball State University.  Fast forward 7 years, Hutzel was recruited to create a Technology & Engineering Education program at Richland Jr/Sr High School that became a recognized model in Pennsylvania.  Finally, he implemented a grade 7-12 STEM program at Bishop McCort.  These experiences have prepared him for his current position at PDE.

Brandt has a diverse background which includes working in industry and 19 years instructing in Technology & Engineering Education and STEM classrooms.  Additionally, he served in state-level leadership positions as President of the Pennsylvania Technology Student Association (TSA) and President of the Technology & Engineering Education Association of Pennsylvania (TEEAP). 

Hutzel states, “I am honored to serve my profession in my new role at PDE.  My professional goals have always centered around doing what is best for kids. I am looking forward to collaborating and providing support to all Technology & Engineering Education and STEM Education in Pennsylvania to continue to do what is best for kids, and to foster a technologically and STEM literate citizenship in our great  Commonwealth.”

If you are not currently a member, join Hutzel’s SAS Professional Learning Community: Technology and Engineering Education.  It will provide you with a multitude of resources as well as an opportunity for discussion of issues and challenges.

Contact Brandt Hutzel at (717) 214-9391.

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