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Combatting the Opioid Epidemic SAS Act 48 Professional Development Opportunity


A 2-hour Act 48 course, “School-Based Primary Prevention - A Key to Combatting the Opioid Epidemic” offers an in-depth look at opioid misuse and prepares educators with information necessary to teach this mandated topic.

This video series was created in accordance with Act 55 of 2017 that updated the section of the Pennsylvania Public School Code that addresses how school districts and intermediate units address educational opportunities focused on alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs by requiring each entity to:

  • Include instruction related to the prevention of opioid misuse to students in grades 6-12, with an emphasis on the prescription drug epidemic and the connection between prescription opioid misuse and addiction to other drugs, including heroin
  • Provide a professional development program that includes information necessary to prepare for the teaching of this yearly mandated instruction
  • Ensure that education professionals who complete the professional development program may apply this training to their continuing education requirements

While this video series has a focus on the professional development mandate authorized in Act 55, it was also developed for use by anyone interested in learning more about the opioid epidemic, primary prevention, and how to improve the lives of youth and families.

This multi-faceted and informative video project is brought to you through funding provided by the PA Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs in collaboration with:

  • The Pennsylvania Department of Education
  • The PA Commission on Crime and Delinquency
  • The EPISCenter, a project at the Prevention Research Center at Penn State University

To register for this course, log in to the SAS portal and visit the SAS PD Center.

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