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Environment and Ecology Educators: Meet Tamara Peffer, PDE’s New Environment and Ecology Content Advisor


PDE welcomes Tamara Peffer in her new role as Environment and Ecology Content Advisor.

Tamara has been a part of the Environmental Education world since 1994 when she left the Human Services arena.

Dipping her toes into a profession that captured her heart when she started as a contracted Environmental Education Aide at Nolde Forest Environmental Education Center, part of the PA State Parks system. After 5 years, she became an Environmental Education Specialist for the bureau; several years of graduate level educational pursuits, 14 years at Nolde, 13 years as an adjunct at Reading Area Community college, 5 years as the Bureau of State Parks Communications Liaison brings her to this current position – a position that was vacant for nearly 7 years.

Peffer states, “I look forward to working with all of you, learning from you, and hopefully growing your environment and ecology educational skills with you! Please feel free to reach out and share your knowledge, concerns, and needs with me. I know we have a lot of catching up to do, a lot of territory to reestablish, but with our combined experience and creativity I know we will be able to take on the challenge.”

If you are not currently a member, join Peffer’s SAS Professional Learning Community: Environment and Ecology.  It will provide you with a multitude of resources as well as an opportunity for discussion of issues, challenges, and ideas.

 Contact Tammie Peffer at (717) 772-0842

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