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Learning Progressions

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A learning progression is a road or pathway that students travel as they progress toward mastery of the skills needed for career and college readiness. Learning progressions provide teachers with the opportunity to determine whether students have navigated successfully through the mile-posts and are able to move forward along the road to career and college readiness. The progressions further provide teachers with the opportunity to identify students who have navigated successfully beyond the mileposts for each course and are in need of accelerated curriculum.

The learning progressions are coded as follows:
Icon Definition
When students are expected to demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and abilities described by an eligible content-No VMC is currently available.
When students are expected to demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and abilities described by an eligible content-VMC is currently available.
When grade appropriate instruction pertaining to an eligible content should begin-No VMC is currently available.
When grade appropriate instruction pertaining to an eligible content should begin-VMC is currently available.

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