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Mathematics 1 - High School: Linear Equations: Intro

Instructional Videos

Mathematics 1 - High School: Linear Equations: Intro

Grade Levels

10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade, 9th Grade

Course, Subject



This lesson begins with an introductory activity that builds on prior knowledge in which students work in teams of four or five and each member of the group is assigned a specific job or responsibility. The instructor introduces the objective for the day, graphing linear equations, and asks students to engage in a "think, pair, share" with their partner to think of ways that linear equations are represented in everyday life. Before starting the new material, the instructor reviews key terms that will be essential in understanding the lesson.


Higher Order Thinking: knowledge, analysis

Webb's Depth of Knowledge: recall

Code(filename without extension)

SAS001 HS MA LF001

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