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Career Cruising: Career Matchmaker My Skills Learning Styles Inventory

Web-based Resource

Career Cruising: Career Matchmaker My Skills Learning Styles Inventory

Grade Levels

10th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade

Course, Subject

Career Education and Work, Career Awareness & Preparation
  • Big Ideas
    Career choice and preparation are lifelong processes based on many influences and using many strategies.
    Change impacts career options and choices.
    Interests, aptitudes, and abilities are unique for each individual and play a key role in career choice.
    There is a definitive relationship between education and career planning and choice.
  • Concepts
    Career plan maintenance.
    Components of a career plan.
    Definition and importance of a career plan.
    Economic factors impact employment opportunities.
    Effect of school subjects, extracurricular activities and community experiences on career preparation.
    Factors that impact career choices.
    Factors that impact personal career choices.
    Factors that support career selection.
    Impact of change on career choices.
    Influence of personal interests and aptitudes on career choice.
    Post secondary career preparation opportunities.
    Relationship between educational achievement and career success.
    Relationship of changing roles in the workplace to new career opportunities.
    Relationship of educational plans to the career choice process.
    Relationship of personal interests, abilities, and aptitudes to career goals.
    School-based opportunities for career awareness/preparation.
    The relationship between educational achievement and career success.
    The relationship of career interests to career choice.
    The variety of ways people prepare for their jobs.
    Traditional and non-traditional careers.
    Types of career training programs available for career preparation.
    Varied sources of career information.
  • Competencies
    Describe the influences that impact personal career choices.
    Given a sample career plan identify and describe its components.
    Identify personal interests, aptitudes and abilities that influence career choice.
    Interview an adult and determine what factors influenced their career choices and how they influenced them.
    Maintain a career planning portfolio.
    Match some personal interests and abilities to given career choices.
    Select some career options that are based on your personal interests, abilities, aptitudes, achievements and goals.
    Write a paragraph explaining why training plans are important to getting jobs.


Career Cruising is a paid Career Service that districts can buy to support career education and student career chocie.  Two assessments that are on Career Crusing that are useful are Career Matchmaker and My Skills, and the Learning Styles Inventory.  The Learning Styles Inventory is useful to students as it helps them to understand how they learn best, but it can also be used to link to career preparation, and also to specific career duties.  


The Career Cruising Assessments help students identify potential careers that will match their interests, identify careers that can be pursued at different levels of education, and allow students to pursue a thorough career investigation of a career of interest.  The learning styles inventory is also specific in dientifying the types of styles the student uses and what percentage of each style, allowing them to identlfy strengths and weaknesses, and identyif how they learn best.

URL or Resource

Content Provider or Additional Information

Career Cruising is a pay for service, but allows students to set up indiviual portfolios with passwords.  It allows them to take assessments and perform research on careers that can be saved all thorugh their academic career.  Career Cruising is web based and can also be accessed at home, and there is a parent portal.  Finally, there is a place where students can upload and save other resources as they expore their career interests.

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