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Personality Testing Information

Web-based Resource

Personality Testing Information

Grade Levels

10th Grade, 11th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade

Course, Subject

Career Education and Work, Career Awareness & Preparation
  • Big Ideas
    Career choice and preparation are lifelong processes based on many influences and using many strategies.
    Change impacts career options and choices.
    Interests, aptitudes, and abilities are unique for each individual and play a key role in career choice.
    There is a definitive relationship between education and career planning and choice.
  • Concepts
    Components of a career plan.
    Definition and importance of a career plan.
    Economic factors impact employment opportunities.
    Effect of school subjects, extracurricular activities and community experiences on career preparation.
    Factors that impact career choices.
    Factors that impact personal career choices.
    Factors that support career selection.
    Impact of change on career choices.
    Influence of personal interests and aptitudes on career choice.
    Relationship between educational achievement and career success.
    Relationship of changing roles in the workplace to new career opportunities.
    Relationship of personal interests, abilities, and aptitudes to career goals.
    The relationship of career interests to career choice.
    Traditional and non-traditional careers.
    Types of career training programs available for career preparation.
    Varied sources of career information.
  • Competencies
    Describe the influences that impact personal career choices.
    Given a sample career plan identify and describe its components.
    Identify personal interests, aptitudes and abilities that influence career choice.
    Interview an adult and determine what factors influenced their career choices and how they influenced them.
    Match some personal interests and abilities to given career choices.
    Select some career options that are based on your personal interests, abilities, aptitudes, achievements and goals.


This website provides free resources and assessments that teachers can use to look at personality characteristics.  Two assessments that can be used for Career Assessments are "Jung Type Tests" and "Holland Code (RIASEC) Tests."  The Jung Type test provides the test taker with a Myers Briggs type code that can be used to compare to the codes of people who are already working in the field and finding success.  The Holland type test provides a Holland code that can be used to compare to potential career options.  Both tests are not long (not more than fifty questions), and would serve as a good supplement to other assessments, or career tests that students might take.  


Students can take both the Myers Briggs Type Test and the Holland Type test to help them assess which types of careers would best match their personality and personal preferences.  These tests are not standardized, but could be used as a supplemental career information source when making a career decision.

URL or Resource

Online Personality Tests:

Jung: Myers Briggs:

Holland RIASEC:

Content Provider or Additional Information

These assessments are provided free from the personality testing information center.  The tests are not standardized and the website says that they are for educational purposes only.  They should not be used as sole instrumetns, but can be used along with other materials as a supplement in helping students make good decisions about career choice as it relates to personal characteristics.

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