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Getting to Know the Mandrill

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Getting to Know the Mandrill

Grade Levels

3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade

Course, Subject

Science and Technology and Engineering Education, Environment and Ecology (Agriculture), Science

Organism Name

Common Name: Mandrill
Scientific Name: Papio sphinx
Name Given to Offspring: Infant
Group Name: Troop (live in harems with one male and 5-10 females, but size of harem varies throughout the year)

Did You Know?

Mature males recognized for: brilliantly colored muzzle and ischial callosities (buttocks pads); eyelids white; nose red with bright blue ridges on each side; body hair is olive brown and grayish yellow, large canine teeth. Females are smaller and duller in coloration.

Geographic Range and Habitat

Geographic Range: Western Central Africa
Habitat: Rainforests

Classification Information

  • Kingdom: Animalia

  • Phylum: Chordata

  • Class: Mammalia

  • Order: Primata

  • Suborder: Anthropoidea

  • Family: Cercopithecidae

  • Physical Characteristics

  • Height:up to 31 inches; tail 2.5 inches
  • Weight:male 50-75 pounds; female 25-35 pounds
  • Additional Information

  • Male's threat gesture includes abruptly thrusting their head forwards, retracting their eyelids, puckering up their lips and raising the crest of fur on their heads. Males also show a threat display by yawning to show their large canine teeth.
  • Have chest glands which they regularly rub branches and tree trunks with.
  • Forage on the ground, climb trees for safety when threatened by predators, and sleep in trees at night.
  • Author


    Mandrills are the largest monkeys, and the largest of the ground-dwelling baboons. Mandrills are recognized for the mature male's bright coloration, however females and juveniles are much duller in color and smaller in size.
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