Getting to Know the Golden Lion Tamarin
Getting to Know the Golden Lion Tamarin
Grade Levels
10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade
Course, Subject
Environment and Ecology (Agriculture)
Organism Name
Common Name: Golden Lion Tamarin
Scientific Name: Leontopithecus rosalia
Name Given to Offspring: Infant
Group Name: Troop
Did You Know?
Male and female are monogamous (live in family groups of 3-6) and twin births are common. They are diurnal and arboreal (inhabit trees). Males and females look alike, and they nest in hollowed out trees lined with fur!
Geographic Range and Habitat
Geographic Range: Brazil
Habitat: Rainforests
Classification Information
Physical Characteristics
Additional Information
Golden lion tamarins are endangered primates that live in the canopy of the rainforest of Brazil, in South America. They are covered in golden silky fur and live in small family groups. Tamarins are monogamous and males play an important role in caring for young.