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Protecting Earth's Wildlife

Web-based Content

Protecting Earth's Wildlife

Grade Levels

6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade

Course, Subject

Geography, Arts and Humanities
Related Academic Standards
  • Big Ideas
    A technological world requires that humans develop capabilities to solve technological challenges and improve products for the way we live.
    An object’s motion is the result of all forces acting on it.
    Each area of technology has a set of characteristics that separates it from others; however, many areas overlap in order to meet human needs and wants.
    Energy is neither created nor destroyed. Energy can be transformed from one form to another, but transformation between forms often results in the loss of useable energy through the production of heat.
    Solid, liquid and gaseous earth materials all circulate in large scale systems at a variety of time scales, giving rise to landscapes, the rock cycle, ocean currents, weather, and climate.
    Technological design is a creative process that anyone can do which may result in new inventions and innovations.
    Technological literacy is the ability to use, assess and manage technology around us.
    Technology is created, used and modified by humans.
    The cell is the basic unit of structure and function for all living things.
  • Concepts
    A technological design & problem solving process changes ideas into a final product or system.
    All living things are made up of smaller units called cells.
    All multicellular organisms have systems that interact with one another to perform specific functions and enable the organism to function as a whole.
    An object will stay at rest or continue at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external, unbalanced force.
    Batteries store chemical energy and transform it into electrical energy.
    Bio-related technologies are the processes of using biological mater to make or modify products.
    Bio-related technologies are the processes of using biological organisms to make or modify products.
    Cells carry out the many functions needed to sustain life.
    Cells grow and divide thereby producing more cells.
    Cells take in nutrients that they use to provide energy to carry out their life functions.
    Communication is the process of composing, sending, and receiving messages through technology.
    Communication is the process of composing, sending, and receiving messages using technological devices.
    Construction is the process of turning materials into useful structures.
    Construction is the process of turning raw materials into useful structures.
    Decisions about the use of products and systems can result in expected and unexpected consequences.
    Different body tissues and organs are made up of different kinds of cells.
    Disease affects the structures and/or functions of an organism.
    Earth materials (rocks and soils) can be classified by their composition and texture and those features can be interpreted to infer the history of the material.
    Energy and power technologies are the processes of converting energy sources into useful power.
    Energy and power technologies use processes to convert energy into power.
    Energy appears in different forms and can be transformed within a system.
    Energy can be transformed within a system or transferred from one system to another (or from a system to its environment) in different ways. Thermal energy is transferred from warmer objects to cooler objects. Mechanical energy can be transferred when two objects push or pull on one another. Electromagnetic energy can be transferred when an electrical source such as a battery or generator is connected in a complete circuit to an electrical device. Chemical energy is transferred when particles are rearranged in a chemical reaction.
    Energy from the sun warms air and water, which creates moving currents within them. This movement causes changes on the earth’s surface.
    Every organism has a set of genetic instructions that determines its inherited traits.
    Everything on or near the earth is pulled toward Earth’s center by a gravitational force. Celestial revolutions are caused by gravitational attraction.
    Friction is an example of an electromagnetic force that opposes motion between two surfaces.
    Heat energy is usually a by-product of an energy transformation.
    Heat flow from the earth and motion within the earth lead the outer shell of the earth to move around in large rigid pieces (plates) and leads to the creation and destruction of ocean basins, motion of continents relative to one another, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and development of mountain belts.
    Heat moves in predictable ways, normally flowing from warmer objects to cooler ones, until the objects reach the same temperature.
    Human activities change land cover and land use patterns, add or remove nutrients from ecosystems and modify some of the fundamental cycles of the earth system, including the carbon cycle. These changes can have unexpected and far-reaching effects due to the complex interconnections among earth systems.
    In a technological world, inventions and innovations must be carefully assessed by individuals and society as a whole.
    Innovation is the process of improving an existing product, process, or system.
    Innovation is the process of modifying an existing product, process, or system to improve it.
    Interaction of circulating air masses gives rise to a wide variety of weather phenomena including fronts, mid-latitude cyclones (and anti-cyclones), and severe weather (tropical storms, tornados, severe thunderstorms, etc.).
    Invention is a process of creating new products, processes, or systems.
    Invention is a process of turning ideas and imagination into new products, processes, or systems.
    Inventions and innovations must be carefully assessed by individuals and society.
    Large scale wind patterns drive surface currents in the oceans and affects weather.
    Manufacturing is the process of turning materials into useful products.
    Manufacturing is the process of turning raw materials into useful products.
    Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object.
    Mechanical advantage, using less force over a greater distance, allows the same work to be performed with less effort.
    Models (graphs) of an object’s velocity versus time can be used to infer the presence of absence of unbalanced forces.
    Moving electric charges produce magnetic forces and moving magnets produce electric forces.
    People select, create, and use technology.
    Plants transform light energy into chemical energy, which then can be used by other living things.
    Safety is a preeminent concern for all technological development and use.
    Safety is one of the most important concerns for all technological development and use.
    Science and technology are interconnected.
    Simple machines help accomplish a task with less effort by either changing the direction of motion or increasing the mechanical advantage.
    Some changes in Earth’s surface are abrupt, such as earthquakes, volcanoes, meteor impacts, and landslides. Others are gradual, such as the lifting up of mountains or their wearing away by erosion.
    Some organisms are made up of only one cell.
    Specialized cells perform specialized functions in multicellular organisms.
    Technological design & problem solving follows many steps.
    Technological design & problem solving includes both formative and summative analysis.
    Technological design & problem solving includes clearly communicated solutions.
    Technological design & problem solving includes frequent checking.
    Technological design & problem solving requires hands-on applications.
    Technological design & problem solving requires the ability to clearly communicate engineered solutions.
    Technological design & problem solving requires the application of hands-on abilities such as sketching, prototyping, and fabricating.
    Technological design & problem solving transforms an idea into a final product or system.
    Technological design & problem solving utilizes a series of steps that take place in a well-defined sequence.
    Technological literacy is necessary for a productive workforce.
    Technological literacy is necessary for all citizens.
    Technological literacy is the ability to understand, use, assess, design, and create technology.
    Technological literacy requires lifelong learning.
    Technology and society impact each other.
    The abilities required in a technological world include diagnosing, troubleshooting, analyzing and maintaining systems.
    The abilities required in a technological world include understanding, fixing, and maintaining systems.
    The atmosphere circulates in large scale patterns which steer weather systems due to heat from the sun.
    The circulation of the ocean and atmosphere carries heat energy and has a strong influence on climate around the world.
    The cycling of water in and out of the atmosphere plays an important role in determining climatic patterns.
    The Earth is mostly rock, with a metallic core, a thin layer of water covering about ¾ of the surface and surrounded by a thin blanket of air.
    The Earth’s revolution around the Sun causes the seasons and the year. Because of the Earth’s tilted axis, sunlight falls more intensely on different parts of the earth during different parts of the year, producing the seasons and seasonal patterns in weather.
    The Earth’s rotation around its tilted axis causes day and night.
    The gene is the basic unit of inheritance.
    The goal of technology is to meet human needs and wants.
    The gravitational force is a universal force that depends on how much mass the objects have and how far apart they are.
    The magnitude of the gravitational force is weight (oz, lb, newtons).
    The Moon’s revolution around the earth once in about 28 days changes what part of the moon is lighted by the sun and how much of that part we can see from the earth, giving rise to lunar phases.
    The rhythms of the Earth are caused by 3 celestial motions: The Earth’s rotation, revolution around the sun, and the Moons’ revolution around the Earth.
    The sun is the main source of energy for biological systems on the surface of the earth.
    There are defining structures of cells for both plants and animals.
    There are structural and functional similarities and differences that characterize diverse living things.
    There is a relationship between structure and function at all biological levels of organization.
    Thousands of layers of sedimentary rock confirm the long history of the changing surface of the earth and the changing life forms whose remains are found in successive layers.
    Transportation is the process of safely and efficiently moving people and products.
    Two of the fundamental forces that exist in the universe are gravity and electromagnetism.
    Unbalanced forces acting on an object cause changes in its velocity.
    Understanding technological systems help us plan and control technological developments.
    While science is the study of the natural world, technology is the study of the human designed world.
  • Competencies
    Describe how science and technology work together.
    Describe how technology impacts society.
    Describe the flow of energy from the sun, throughout the earth system, living and non-living, from the cellular scale to the global scale, and describe the transformations of that energy as it moves through the system.
    Describe the relationships among the parts of a system, the ways that they work together, the flow of matter or energy through the system, and the feedback and control mechanism present in the system.
    Design and develop the ability to create and send messages using technological devices.
    Design and develop the ability to safely and effectively use tools and materials to build structures.
    Design and develop the ability to safely and effectively use tools and materials to convert energy into power.
    Design and develop the ability to safely and effectively use tools and materials to create bio-related products and systems using technology.
    Design and develop the ability to safely and effectively use tools and materials to create vehicles that transport people and products.
    Design and develop the ability to safely and effectively use tools and materials to manufacture products.
    Explain the importance of carefully assessing technological inventions and innovations.
    Use design and problem solving skills to solve technological challenges.


Students learn how a growing demand for natural resources such as wood and coltan threatens habitanta and wildlife.  They select one issue and develop a list of actions people could take to reduce or reverse the problem.  They complete a project (e.g., poster, skit, graphic novel) communicating the issue and their action steps.

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Protecting Earth's Wildlife

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National Geographic Education


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