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Probability Clouds

Web-based Content


Probability Clouds

Grade Levels

10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade

Course, Subject

  • Big Ideas
    Technology is created, used and modified by humans.
  • Concepts
    Creating optimal solutions under constraints are a primary component of technological problem solving (e.g., tools/machines, materials, information, people, capital, energy, and time).
    Decisions about the use of products and systems can result in expected and unexpected consequences.
    Decisions about the use of products and systems can result in known and unexpected consequences.
    Human decision making (e.g. Human needs and wants plus cultural considerations) drives the selection and/or use of technologies.
    Science and technology are interconnected.
    Science is the study of the natural world and technology is the study of the human designed world but both are inextricably connected.
    The goal of technology is to meet human needs and wants.
    The study of the impacts of technological systems enables us to plan and direct technological developments.
    The use of technology involves weighing the trade-offs of the positive and negative effects.
    Understanding technological systems help us plan and control technological developments.
    While science is the study of the natural world, technology is the study of the human designed world.
  • Competencies
    Demonstrate how technological progress promotes the advancement of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
    Describe the complementary roles of scientific knowledge and technological application.
    Describe the nature of technology and the consequences of technological activity which impact society and the world.
    Differentiate between the study of science and technology.
    Explain how making informed decisions about the development and use of technology may have known and unexpected consequences.
    Explain how technology has and can change the human condition throughout time.
    Verify that engineering design is influenced by personal characteristics, such as creativity, resourcefulness and the ability to visualize and think abstractly.


What is the correct model of an atom?

The model of the atom has changed and through this exploration students will investigate the modern model and the different orbital shapes for various elements.


In this activity you will investigate the probability map of electron orbitals through constructing models of atoms.

Activity Utilizes:

Molecular workbench
Student computers

Content Provider


The Concord Consortium:


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