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Understanding Numbers to 1000

Unit Plan

Understanding Numbers to 1000


In this unit, students will gain a deeper understanding of place value. Students will:

  • read and write three-digit numbers.
  • compare three-digit numbers.
  • model three-digit numbers using base-ten blocks.
  • skip count forward to and backward from 1000 by 2s, 5s, and 10s.

Essential Questions

How are relationships represented mathematically?
How can mathematics support effective communication?
How can recognizing repetition or regularity assist in solving problems more efficiently?
How is mathematics used to quantify, compare, represent, and model numbers?
What does it mean to estimate or analyze numerical quantities?
What makes a tool and/or strategy appropriate for a given task?
  • How is mathematics used to quantify, compare, represent, and model numbers?
  • How are relationships represented mathematically?

Related Unit and Lesson Plans

Related Materials & Resources

Formative Assessment

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    Short-Answer Items

    1. Which number do the base-ten blocks show?




    1. Show 425 by drawing base-ten blocks.





    1. Write a number with

    2 in the tens place,

    4 in the hundreds place, and

    6 in the ones place.




    1. In 943,

    How many hundreds? _______________

    How many ones? ______________

    How many tens? _______________


    1. In 572,

    What is the value of the 7? _______________

    What is the value of the 5? _______________

    What is the value of the 2? _______________


    1. Write the number 672 in expanded form.

    672 = __________ + __________ + __________


    1. Count by 100s.

    145, _____________, _____________, _____________, _____________


    1. Count by 10s.

    630, _____________, _____________, _____________, _____________


    1. Write <, >, or =

              638  __________ 386


    1. Write <, >, or =

              545  __________ 554


    1. Put these numbers in order from least to greatest.

              424          442          414          441          561

    _________     _________     ________     _________     _________


    1. Put these numbers in order from greatest to least.

              527          725          752          275          572

    _________     _________     ________     _________     _________


    Short-Answer Key:

    1. Which number do the base-ten blocks show?


    1. Show 425 by drawing base-ten blocks.



    1. Write a number with

    2 in the tens place,

    4 in the hundreds place, and

    6 in the ones place.



    1. In 943,

    How many hundreds?  9

    How many ones?  3

    How many tens?  4


    1. In 572,

    What is the value of the 7?  70

    What is the value of the 5?  500

    What is the value of the 2?  2

    1. Write the number 672 in expanded form.  600 + 70 + 2

    2. Count by 100s.

                145,  245,  345,  445,  545

    1. Count by 10s.

    630,  640,  650,  660,  670

    1. Write <, >, or =

                638    >   386

    1. Write <, >, or =

                545    <    554

    1. Put these numbers in order from least to greatest.

                424          442          414          441          561

                414     424     441     442     561

    1. Put these numbers in order from greatest to least.

                527          725          752          275          572

                752     725     572     527     275



    Performance Assessment:

    The School Store Problem


    The school store received some new supplies. Your class will help organize the supplies. The store already has some old supplies that need to be combined with the new ones.


    1. There are 36 notebooks on the shelf at the school store. They just received 28 new notebooks. How many notebooks does the school store have?  _______________


    Show how to find the answer using base-ten blocks.


















    1. The models below show the number of colored pencils the school store has.

    Blue pencils




    Red pencils





    Yellow pencils





    How many blue pencils does the school store have?  _______________


    How many red pencils does the school store have?  _______________


    How many yellow pencils does the school store have?  _______________


    What color pencil does the school store have the most of?  _______________


    What color pencil does the school store have the least of?  _______________


    How many pencils does the school store have in all?  _______________


    1. The school store has 65 green folders, 56 orange folders, 49 purple folders, and 58 pink folders. Arrange the colors in order from least to greatest.












    1. The school store has 204 bookmarks.


    How many tens are in this number?  __________

    How many hundreds are in this number?  __________

    How many ones are in this number?  __________


    What is the value of the 4?  __________

    What is the value of the 2?  __________


    What would this number be in expanded form?_____________________________


    Performance Assessment Key and Scoring Rubric:


    The School Store Problem


    The school store received some new supplies. Your class will help organize the supplies. The store already has some old supplies that need to be combined with the new ones.


    1. There are 36 notebooks on the shelf at the school store. They just received 28 new

    notebooks. How many notebooks does the school store have?  64


    Show how to find the answer using base-ten blocks.









    1. The models below show the number of colored pencils the school store has.


    Blue pencils





    Red pencils





    Yellow pencils







    How many blue pencils does the school store have?  140


    How many red pencils does the school store have? 136


    How many yellow pencils does the school store have?  124


    What color pencil does the school store have the most of?  blue


    What color pencil does the school store have the least of? yellow


    How many pencils does the school store have in all?  400


    1. The school store has 65 green folders, 56 orange folders, 49 purple folders, and 58 pink folders. Arrange the colors in order from least to greatest.


    purple     orange     pink     green



    1. The school store has 204 bookmarks.


    How many tens are in this number?  0

    How many hundreds are in this number?  2

    How many ones are in this number?  4


    What is the value of the 4?  4

    What is the value of the 2? 200


    What would this number be in expanded form?  200 + 4






    • Mathematical responses are all correct.
    • Visual representations are correctly and clearly displayed.
    • Student demonstrates thorough understanding of number concepts.
    • Student performs beyond problem requirements.


    • Mathematical responses are correct, possibly with one minor error.
    • Visual representations are correct but not completely clear or only partially explained.
    • Student demonstrates good understanding of the number concepts.
    • Student meets all problem requirements.


    • Mathematical responses have one major or two minor errors.
    • Visual representations are provided but have some errors in logic or lack detail.
    • Student demonstrates fair understanding of the number concepts with slight errors.
    • Student meets most problem requirements.


    • Mathematical responses have major errors or three or more minor errors.
    • Visual representations are shown but are illogical, lacking clarity, or very little is shown.
    • Student demonstrates limited understanding of the number concepts.
    • Student does not meet most problem requirements.


    • Mathematical responses are all incorrect or missing.
    • Visual representations are completely incorrect or missing.
    • Student demonstrates no understanding of the number concepts.
    • Student does not meet problem requirements.

    Alternative Rubric:

    The student can…



    Use base-ten blocks to solve a number story.



    Count with base-ten blocks.



    Compare numbers using <, >, and =.



    Order numbers from least to greatest or from greatest to least.



    Determine which digit of a three-digit number is in the hundreds, tens, and ones places.



    Determine the value of each digit in a three-digit number.



    Write three-digit numbers in expanded form.






Final 3/24/14
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