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Earth Science Digital Image Library - Ginkgos

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Earth Science Digital Image Library - Ginkgos

Grade Levels

3rd Grade, 7th Grade

Course, Subject

Science and Technology and Engineering Education, Science


Geologic History


The Ginkgo tree is the only living representative of the order Ginkgoales, a group of gymnosperms composed of the family Ginkgoaceae consisting of about 18 members with its earliest leaf fossils dating back to the Permian period. Fossil leaves and vegetative organs show that at that time there were at least two species. During the Middle Jurassic there was a great increase in species (5 or 6) with a maximum diversity (at least 11 species) during the Cretaceous period in areas such as Asia, Europe and North America. Only one species was left in the Tertiary (65 million years ago). The extinction of the dinosaurs and large reptiles as important seed dispersers of the large seeds may also have influenced this decline. The term "living fossil" used by Darwin in his Origin of Species of 1859 definitely fits the Ginkgo.


Saratoga Springs, Saratoga County, New York


With support from the Center for Applied Technologies in Education, The Earth Science Digital Library is an initiative authored by Russell Agostaro, Newburgh Enlarged City School District, Newburgh, New York.


The Earth Science Digital Image Library is an archive of quality digital images for teacher and/or student reference in their studies of Earth Science. For additional information about the image, please click on a link below:
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