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Using Roots and Other Features to Graph

Lesson Plan

Using Roots and Other Features to Graph


 This lesson focuses on polynomials and their graphs as well as polynomial function applications. Students will: [IS.5 - Struggling Learners]

  • sketch polynomial graphs based on the equations.

  • use polynomial functions to solve real-world problems.

Essential Questions

How are relationships represented mathematically?
How can data be organized and represented to provide insight into the relationship between quantities?
How can expressions, equations, and inequalities be used to quantify, solve, model, and/or analyze mathematical situations?
How can mathematics support effective communication?
How can patterns be used to describe relationships in mathematical situations?
How can probability and data analysis be used to make predictions?
How can recognizing repetition or regularity assist in solving problems more efficiently?
How does the type of data influence the choice of display?
How is mathematics used to quantify, compare, represent, and model numbers?
What does it mean to estimate or analyze numerical quantities?
What makes a tool and/or strategy appropriate for a given task?
  • How can we determine if a real-world situation should be represented as a quadratic, polynomial, or exponential function?

  • How do you explain the benefits of multiple methods of representing polynomial functions (tables, graphs, equations, and contextual situations)?


  • Double root: Two distinct roots that are equal; this occurs in a quadratic function when the discriminant (b2 – 4ac) is equal to zero. [IS.1 - Struggling Learners] [IS.2 - Struggling Learners]

  • Degree: For a polynomial, the highest power of the variable in the polynomial.

  • Local maximum: For a function, the greatest value of the range between a given interval of the domain. [IS.3 - Struggling Learners]  [IS.4 - Struggling Learners]

  • Local minimum: For a function, the least value of the range between a given interval of the domain.

  • Multiplicity: For a polynomial with a factor (xa)n, the greatest value of n.

  • Triple root: If (xa)n is the highest power of (xa), which is a factor of f(x), then a is a triple root when n = 3.


90–120 minutes [IS.6 - All Students]

Prerequisite Skills

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Formative Assessment

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    • In the Lesson 3 Exit Ticket, students have to make a qualitative assessment of their understanding of the relationship between the polynomial expression and its functional representation as a graph. The activity requires them to indicate and identify the significant elements of a polynomial function including its shape, roots, minimum, and maximum. [IS.13 - Struggling Learners]

Suggested Instructional Supports

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    Active Engagement, Modeling, Explicit Instruction

    This lesson introduces students to the relationship between polynomial expressions and corresponding graphical representations of the polynomial function. Students will learn and practice skills in translating between the graphs of polynomial functions and polynomial expressions and will use polynomial functions to solve problems.

    Students are presented with a medical analogy that compares a hypothetical medication to the bloodstream through which it travels. Students will use their familiarity with medicines as a model to understand the progress of medication over time.

    The example of the graph of the polynomial function x2 − 4x + 4 provides students with both the algebraic notation and the two-dimensional picture. The apparent one-root solution and its two-form representation give students a practical way to engage this abstract concept.


    In Activity 5 (pairs and small groups activity), students sketch graphs of more complex polynomial functions and isolate key ordered pairs, local minima and maxima. Students must rethink and reconsider the relationship between the terms of the polynomials and the behavior of the polynomial.


    The Lesson 3 Exit Ticket asks students to express individual understanding of the graphical representations of polynomial functions by identifying meaningful components of the graphs. Students must represent their understanding of the process by matching the unique roots to each polynomial.

    Group and partner work is used throughout so that students can help each other. Emphasis should be placed on communicating mathematical ideas with the specific vocabulary words appropriate to the concepts. Partnering activities require students to represent their individual understanding of the concept as well as evaluate the representations of another student. Student sharing of ideas and insights are helpful ways to increase learning without your intervention.

    Logical/Sequential/Visual Learners: It may be helpful for some students to see several written versions of the individual steps in synthetic division. Speak the name of the terms and operations appropriately while writing or pointing to them in each use.

    The opening discussion grabs students’ attention because it pertains to their lives. They are intrigued by a discussion of medication in math class. You can introduce more characteristics of polynomial graphs, and then students practice their skills. Students gain greater understanding of polynomial graphs. Finally the class discusses the context of medication in the bloodstream and how it relates to polynomials. The close of the lesson asks students to think about other situations that could be modeled by polynomial functions.

    After this lesson, students will know what a polynomial’s graph looks like before drawing it and without using a graphing calculator. They will know that the degree of a polynomial not only describes the number of roots, but it also determines the end behavior of the graph (whether the graph is increasing or decreasing). Students will also understand the concepts of local minima and local maxima and will use them to graph polynomials. Polynomial functions are used to model concepts such as revenue, birthrates, manufacturing costs, and medication in the bloodstream. Students understand mathematical concepts more easily when they see the connections to the real-world. Students will graph polynomial functions without the assistance of a graphing calculator. They will be able to gather information from polynomial models and use that information to make predictions.


    IS.1 - Struggling Learners

    Consider the following steps with regard to vocabulary for struggling learners:

    1. Use of a graphic organizer (e.g., Frayer Model, Verbal Visual Word Association, Concept Circles).
    2. Introduce new vocabulary using student friendly definitions and examples and non-examples.
    3. Review words with students.
    4. Provide opportunities for students to apply the new/reviewed terms.
    IS.2 - Struggling Learners
    Consider reviewing this term and providing written examples for struggling learners.  
    IS.3 - Struggling Learners
    See above comment.  
    IS.4 - Struggling Learners
    See above comment.  
    IS.5 - Struggling Learners
    Consider providing struggling learners with written examples of polynomial graphs and functions.  
    IS.6 - All Students
    Consider pre-teaching the concepts critical to this lesson. Use formative assessments throughout the lesson to determine level of student understanding.  Use follow-up reinforcement as necessary.  
    IS.7 - Struggling Learners
    Consider providing struggling learners with examples on graph paper .  
    IS.8 - Struggling Learners
    Consider reviewing these terms with struggling learners and providing them with written examples of each.  Can use a graphic organizer such as a Concept map.  
    IS.9 - Struggling Learners
    Consider providing this graphic example for struggling learners to refer to.  
    IS.10 - Struggling Learners
    Consider providing struggling learners with this table with written examples filled in to each box.  You may need to consider modeling this for your struggling learners.  
    IS.11 - All Students
    IS.12 - Struggling Learners
    Consider providing an example graph for your struggling learners.  
    IS.13 - Struggling Learners
    Consider using other forms of formative assessment for struggling learners such as verbally responding in lieu of writing.  

Instructional Procedures

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    Start this lesson with a discussion about being sick and taking medicine. Generally, when medication enters a body, its presence diminishes over time. Any medication’s rate of decrease varies with the type of medication, its dosage, and the physical condition of the patient. Ask the following questions:

    • How many of you have been sick before?”

    • How many of you have taken medication to make you feel better?”

    • How does medicine work?”

    Activity 1: [IS.7 - Struggling Learners] Graphing Elapsed Time “With your partners, discuss what the graph would look like if you were to graph the amount of medicine in the bloodstream (y-axis) versus time (x-axis).” Give students about five minutes; then, have them create groups of four to share their thoughts. Encourage them to sketch graphs. “Is the graph a line? A parabola? A cubic or quartic?" [IS.8 - Struggling Learners]  After another five minutes, have a class discussion and see what students are thinking. Don’t reveal the graph yet, but let students know that today’s lesson is going to illustrate properties of polynomial graphs and how polynomial functions are used to model different real-world situations.

    What does the degree of a polynomial tell us about its graph?” Students may say that the degree tells us how many roots or x-intercepts the graph has. You can then draw a graph of a parabola with a vertex at (2, 0), as shown, and ask the following questions:

    • What degree polynomial is illustrated by the graph of a parabola?”

    • How many x-intercepts should it have?”

    • Why doesn’t this graph have two x-intercepts?”

    • Take a look at the equation of the parabola by inserting the vertex into the graphing form of a parabola and write it in factored form and standard form:

    • y = (x − 2)2

    • y = (x − 2)(x − 2)

    • y = x2 − 4x + 4”“In the previous lesson, what did we learn about factors and roots?”

    (If x − 2 is the factor, then 2 is the root; in this case, 2 is both roots.)

    Put the following on the board for students to copy into their notes.

    Example: y = (x − 2)2

    y = (x − 2)(x − 2)

    y = x2 − 4x + 4

    Multiplicity: This example illustrates multiplicity of roots. Since x − 2 occurs twice as a factor, 2 is called a double root.

    • When a root has an even multiplicity, the graph “bounces off” the x-axis (as in the above example).

    • When a root has an odd multiplicity, the graph crosses the x-axis.

    • When listing the roots of a polynomial, state the multiplicity of the roots.

    • Example: The roots of y = x3 − 6x2 + 12x − 8 are 2, 2, and 2 (triple root).

    • If synthetic division is used to prove a number has multiplicity as a root, you can do the synthetic division as many times as its multiplicity.

    Example: Using the parabola that represents y = x2 − 4x + 4 from above.


    Activity 2: Working on Polynomial Roots in Pairs

    In your pairs, one of you is A and the other is B.” Give Student A questions (a) and (c). Give Student B questions (b) and (d).

    a) x3 −3x2 −9x − 5, roots − 1 and 5 (− 1 is a double root)

    b) x4 − 12x3 + 48x2 − 64x, roots 0 and 4 (4 is a triple root)

    c) x4 + 2x3 − 11x2 − 12x + 36, roots − 3 and 2 (− 3 and 2 are both double roots)

    d) x5 − 2x4 + x3, roots 0 and 1 (0 is a triple root and 1 is a double root)

    Students should notice that the number of roots given does not equal the degree of the polynomial. “Your task is to determine which root has multiplicity or if both roots do. Student A is going to read a polynomial to Student B and provide the given roots. Student B must use synthetic division to prove which root has multiplicity or if both do. When B is done, A will check B’s work and then you will switch roles. Each of you will read two polynomials to your partner.”

    The number of roots is not the only thing determined by a polynomial’s degree. Take a look at the parabolas on the board (vertex at 0, 0).”


    Do you know the equations of these two parabolas?”

    (The first graph is y = x2 and the second graph is y = −x2.)

    What changed from the first graph to the second?”

    What changed from the first equation to the second?”

    Now take a look at the graphs of two cubic equations.”


    The first graph is y = x3 and the second graph is y = −x3. What are one similarity and one difference between the cubic graphs and the parabolas?” Be sure someone mentions the fact that the negative symbol reflects (flips) the graph over the x-axis. Also make sure there is conversation about the “end behavior” of the graphs (i.e., the parabola’s ends go in the same direction and the cubic graph’s ends go in opposite directions).

    Below is a table that students could add to their notes. “Recall that the leading coefficient is the number in front of the variable with the largest degree. For example, in the polynomial 6x5 + 2x4x3 +3x2 + 4x − 7 the leading coefficient is 6.”

    The sign of the lead coefficient determines the right end behavior, and the degree determines the left end behavior.”

    [IS.9 - Struggling Learners]


    Positive Leading Coefficient

    Negative Leading Coefficient

    Even Degree


    Odd Degree

    Down to the left, up to the right
    Up to the left, down to the right

    Since polynomial graphs don’t have an ‘end point,’ there isn’t a unique minimum or maximum, so polynomials are often described with ‘local minima’ or ‘local maxima.’ These points illustrate where the graph changes direction.”

    Put these definitions on the board for students to add to their notes.

    Local Minima: points where the graph changes from decreasing to increasing.

    Local Maxima: points where the graph changes from increasing to decreasing.

    Activity 3: Plotting Minima and Maxima

    Put the following table on the board and have students come up one or two at a time to fill it in. [IS.10 - Struggling Learners][IS.11 - All Students]   Have them do this silently. Erase any incorrect answers, but do not explain what they did wrong, so they will try to figure it out on their own. Tell them to ignore the last two columns for now.


    Num-ber of Roots

    Left End

    Up or Down?

    Right End

    Up or Down?

    Approx-imate Local Minima


    Local Maxima

    2x5 − 4x4 + 2x3x2 + x + 3


    .625x4 + 5x3 − 13x2 +12x + 3


    (2, 4)

    (1, 6) and (3, 5)

    3x + 4


    5x6 + 3x5x3 + 6x


    9x2 + 18x − 27


    (− 1,

    − 36)


    6x11 + 2x5 + 8x2x + 4


    7x3 + 8x2 − 2x − 6


    (0, − 6)

    (− 1, − 3)

    5x10 + 8x7x5 + 4x3x



    Num-ber of Roots

    Left End
    Up or Down?
    Right End
    Up or Down?


    Local Minima


    Local Maxima

    2x5 − 4x4 + 2x3 − x2 + x + 3





    (.5, 3)

    .625x4 + 5x3 − 13x2 +12x + 3




    (2, 4)

    (1, 6) and (3, 5)

    3x + 4






    5x6 + 3x5 − x3 + 6x




    (– 1, – 4)


    9x2 + 18x − 27




    (− 1,

    − 36)


    6x11 + 2x5 + 8x2 − x + 4




    (0, 4)

    (1, 9)

    7x3 + 8x2 − 2x − 6




    (0, − 6)

    (− 1, − 3)

    5x10 + 8x7 − x5 + 4x3 − x




    (.3, −.2)

    (– .3, .2) (1, 5.5)


    Have students sketch graphs individually of the polynomials that have local minima and maxima in the table. They should first plot the minima and maxima, then look at the end behavior, and then sketch the graph. When they are done, have them compare their work to another student’s. They should discuss if there are any differences between their graphs.

    The last part of this lesson ties in this new information with the opening activity. Put four different graphs on the board: one linear, one quadratic, one cubic, and one quartic. Ask students if for the opening medication problem any of them drew a shape similar to one of these four. Go over each graph in the medication context and see which one makes the most sense to them now.
    Activity 4: Determining End Behavior
    Put the following problem on the board for students to read:
    “Suppose a person takes an aspirin and five hours later takes another one. The amount of medication in the bloodstream can be represented by the polynomial equation
    y = − .0108x4 + .316x3 − 3.0231x2 + 10.8668x − 5.3507 where x is the time elapsed since taking the medication and y is the amount of medication in the bloodstream in tenths of a percent.”
    What is the end behavior for this polynomial? Graph the equation using a calculator and answer the following questions:”
    • “For which values of x does the graph make sense? Why?”
      [0.581 ≤ x ≤ 14.78; values of x for which range is positive]

    • “How much medicine is in the bloodstream after 1 hour? After 13 hours?”
      [2.798 units; 10.8 units]

    • “When is the medicine at its maximum potency?”
      [approximately 12 hr.]

    • “What does the local minimum mean in terms of the amount of medicine in the bloodstream and when the person takes the second aspirin?”
      [local maximum at 3 hr.; maximum at 12 hr.]

    Activity 5: Graph Sketching in Pairs or Small Groups [IS.12 - All Students]

    In pairs, you are to sketch graphs of polynomials with the given key points. When you are done, pair up with another pair to discuss the graphs. When everyone is done, I will call on individuals to come to the front of the class to show an answer to one of the problems.”

    1. Roots at − 4, − 1 and 3 with a local maximum at (− 3, 3) and local minimum at (1, − 3)

    2. Roots at −1 (double) and 1 (double) with a local maximum at (0, 1) and local minima at (−1, 0) and (1, 0)

    3. Roots at −5, −3, −1, 1 and 3 with local maxima at (−2, 4) and (2, 2) and local minima at (−4, −1) and (0, −2)


    Use the Lesson 3 Exit Ticket (M-A2-3-3_Lesson 3 Exit Ticket.doc and M-A2-3-3_Lesson 3 Exit Ticket KEY.doc) to evaluate students’ understanding.


    • Sketch the graph and find the roots and locations of local minimum and maximum for the polynomial function x3 – 9x2 + 20x. Indicate whether the points are minimum or maximum. [roots: 0, 4, 5; local minimum between (4, 0) and (5, 0); local maximum between (1, 12) and (2, 12)]

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